Emotional Intelligence
12 Days of Emotional Intelligence
December 17, 2019
The holidays are right around the corner, and there’s no better gift to give yourself than increased emotional intelligence. After all, learning to manage our emotions doesn’t just help us control our reactions in the moment; it helps us become hardier, and more resilient in the face of challenging situations.This holiday season, we suggest giving yourself one of the most useful gifts of all: investment in your professional abilities.Start with the following 12 days of emotional intelligence:Day...
Why Q1 2020 is the Perfect Time to Start Hiring for Emotional intelligence
December 13, 2019
What’s your plan for growth in 2020?If you’re planning to expand your workplace team and hire capable and adaptable employees, then 2020 is the year to start hiring with emotional intelligence in mind.If you’ve never included emotional intelligence in how you assess a candidate’s potential, then don’t miss why Q1 2020 is the time to start hiring with these essentials skills in mind. Emotional Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial RevolutionUntil recently, emotions were largely taboo at work,...
5 Steps to Performing Well Under Pressure
November 13, 2019
Everyone deals with pressure from time to time at work.For some of us, especially those of us in management or C-Suite roles, that pressure can feel overwhelming. Below are five ways you can stay calm under pressure and keep your performance from suffering as a result of all you have to do: 1. Remember that humans work well under pressureHumans are a species who thrive in challenging situations. Even those of us who aren’t naturally gifted in performing under pressure can learn to adapt and even...
How Understanding Personalities Can Change Your Career
October 23, 2019
How would you define your personality?Are you reserved, outgoing, laid-back, or high-strung? How would you define the personalities of the people you live, work, and spend your free time with?If you’re not sure, then it’s time to start investing in understanding the personalities around you. This ability can not only enhance your personal relationships by increasing empathy, but can have a positive impact on your professional life, as well.Understanding your personalityIt can be hard to identify...
The Top 5 Things I’ve Learned in 5 Years of Entrepreneurship
October 17, 2019
I became an entrepreneur later in life, after two decades of working in corporate strategy, human resources and organizational development.I fondly refer to this time in my professional life as my “encore career”.It has proven to be an exciting journey full of learning and new discoveries.Our company, EI Advantage offers professional emotional intelligence assessment, training and coaching. As of 2020, my business partner, Hayley Hesseln and I will celebrate our 5th year of business.Based on my...
5 Small Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Every Day
October 10, 2019
Are you working to improve your emotional intelligence (EI) every day?If not, now is the time to start; after all, studies have shown that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58% of success in all types of jobs. Building your emotional intelligence isn’t just about being successful in the workplace - taking the time to develop a deeper connection with your emotions, an understanding that helps you react more calmly, and empathy, are skills you can...
Boost Your Student’s Self Esteem: Help Them Harness Their Emotional Intelligence
September 19, 2019
As we begin to enter a new school year, we reflect on the excitement of what lies ahead but also the challenges that may appear. One of the biggest challenges facing students today is how to navigate the world of digital technology in safe and healthy ways. Cyber-bullying and reliance on social interactions through screens can have serious harmful effects on self-esteem. As more young people turn to streaming devices, video games, and social media as forms of validation, there’s never been a...
The New Successful CEOs Are Emotionally Intelligent Leaders
August 21, 2019
Great news for everyone with their sights on those C-Suite positions: emotional intelligence is proving to be increasingly important in the workplace, even eclipsing intellectual intelligence as the most sought-after workplace skill.Emotional intelligence, or our emotional quotient (EQ) is classified as our ability to identify, evaluate, control, and express our emotions. As modern workplaces become more diverse and better-attuned to the needs of their employees, it’s up to the next wave of...
How to Rewrite Your Job Description Using Emotional Intelligence
August 06, 2019
Did you know that if you have a job, there’s a roughly 50/50 chance you don’t like it? Not only are those sobering odds, but they also indicate that many of us aren’t happy at work.What can be done? Of course, there’s always the option to quit and search for a job you might like more… but what if there were a shortcut you could use to improve the job you’re in?By using your emotional intelligence, you can think more strategically about your relationships around the office. Using your “soft...
Dealing With Employee Conflict: What to Do
July 18, 2019
Anyone who has ever witnessed an employee conflict, or been involved in one, knows how disruptive they can be to workplace productivity, collaboration, trust, and positivity.While some might argue that workplace competition is healthy, there’s a difference between employees who can collaborate effectively while also being a bit competitive with one another, and employees who can barely collaborate without a battle of egos.If you’re struggling with how to handle employee conflict, follow these...