
Emotional Intelligence

How Coaches Can Increase Emotional Intelligence

October 06, 2020

Hayley Hesseln, PhD, CEC and co-founder EI Advantage, tells us about how she works with emotional intelligence and through coaching. She has a commerce degree and a doctorate degree and has worked as a university professor since 1996 in the US and Canada. Her passion is developing individuals and helping people help themselves. Coaching is...

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How to Accelerate Your Career With Emotional Intelligence

September 30, 2020

Hayley Hesseln, PhD, CEC and co-founder EI Advantage tells us about helping students shift from academia to the workforce, and her new book full of emotional intelligence exercises to support their transition. Trained as a natural resource economist, she has worked as a university professor since 1996 in the US and Canada, and focuses much...

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How Emotional Intelligence Helps You Be Successful

September 29, 2020

Hayley Hesseln, PhD, CEC and co-founder EI Advantage tells us about how her new book: Emotional Intelligence: Your Foundation for Success helps people in the workforce to promote their ability to communicate, collaborate, and to make decisions and handle stress.  Trained as a natural resource economist, she has worked as a university professor since 1996...

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How Emotional Intelligence Helps Employees Thrive

September 24, 2020

Hayley Hesseln, PhD, CEC, and co-founder EI Advantage tells us about emotional intelligence in the workforce and how to get more of it.  She has a commerce degree and a doctorate degree and has worked as a university professor since 1996 in the US and Canada. Her passion is developing individuals and helping people help...

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How to Become a Better Business Owner by Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

September 15, 2020

Do you want to become a better business owner who inspires their staff? The secret to inspiring leadership is emotional intelligence! Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage your emotions and control how you react to other people’s emotions. As a business owner, having the ability to manage your emotions can help you resolve...

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The Advantage Series Pt 2: The Link Between Emotional Intelligence and Resilient Leadership

April 23, 2020

Change at work is normal, and in order to cope leaders need to be agile and resilient. Until recently, the focus in leadership has been mostly on agility and speed, but advancements in technology combined with globalization and socio-economic changes require a different kind of leadership.Today’s leaders must be resilient, emotionally intelligent people who can be adaptable and react appropriately to today’s rapidly-changing environments while staying connected and kind. In this second...

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Discover Your EI Advantage Pt 1: The 5 Emotional Intelligence Essentials to Drive Success

April 16, 2020

Emotional intelligence is a critical factor in professional success. The ability to tune into your emotions, as well as developing situational awareness, is a powerful tool for both personal and professional success.A leader who lacks emotional intelligence (EI) isn’t able to effectively gauge the needs of their staff and might react erratically to challenging situations. Leaders who emphasize developing their EI are also able to develop trusting, more productive relationships, inspire others...

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How Women in STEM Can Use Emotional Intelligence to Become Resilient Leaders

March 17, 2020

Women in STEM fields face unique challenges compared to other industries. From lower pay and lack of mentorship, to motherhood, being stereotyped, to having competencies questioned due to gender, women in these fields need to be hardy and resilient.This is especially true of women who hope to become leaders in their fields. Women represent approximately 50% of all bachelor degrees in science and engineering, yet the proportion declines with higher education: only 44% of women earn Master’s...

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10 Resilience Quotes From Inspirational Women for International Women’s Day 2020

March 06, 2020

Building resilience is critical for growth and change. By developing our hardiness we can move more easily through stressful and challenging situations and re-frame them as learning experiences. Nurturing this ability takes time and practice, but an easy way to get started is to find a sentence or mantra that resonates with you. Something that empowers you, motivates you and helps you reframe your mindset during difficult periods.To celebrate International Women’s Day we’re sharing our favourite...

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Ethics and Values: Walking the Talk

January 05, 2020

We’ve all had that feeling in the pit of our stomach at sometime in our life, where we find ourselves at a crossroads. It can be personal or professional. Our values and ethics are being tested. Looking back as we close out this decade, I reflect on the earlier years in my accounting career, which were filled with challenges. My professional ethics and personal values were being challenged time and again. Living with the philosophy to “never give up,” and “do the right thing,” was no longer...

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