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3 Interview Questions to Assess Emotional Intelligence
August 23, 2017
One of the biggest indicators of success in the workplace is the ability to build lasting relationships, empathize with others, and manage emotions in healthy and constructive ways. This is especially true for employees who are in customer or client-relations roles, where traits like well-developed Emotional Intelligence can mean the difference between productive and long-lasting...
Emotional Intelligence: The Skills You Didn’t Learn in School
July 31, 2017
In the classroom, most curriculums are the same: you learn science, mathematics, geography, and other valuable educational subjects. However, there is one important subject that is missing from the classroom. Emotional intelligence, or EI, is a term used by psychologists that describes an individual’s ability to handle and read their own emotions, and how they...
The 5 Aspects of Emotional Intelligence
July 31, 2017
As modern businesses progress towards team-based approaches to workplace development and coaching, leaders have had to hone-in on their own emotional intelligence in order to successfully coach employees and strengthen their individual leadership skills. Leaders who have a strong understanding of their own emotional intelligence (EI), become increasingly equipped with the four key skills of...
Manage Smarter, Not Harder: How Emotional Intelligence Benefits Managers
June 27, 2017
One of the biggest challenges that managers face is getting to know their staff. Getting to know someone often takes a significant amount of time; understanding their motivations, fears, triggers, and strengths can take months or even years, and in a professional setting where people only interact in specific ways during predetermined hours it can...
Want That Promotion? Your EQ Can Help You Get It
June 19, 2017
Not too long ago the conventional workplace wisdom dictated that employees who earned promotions tended to fall into one of two categories: Staff with the highest level of seniority. Staff with the highest level of technical knowledge. However, as individuals get promoted higher their technical skills become less important, and the need for strong interpersonal skills...
Leading Top-Notch Teams: How Engineers Benefit from EQ
June 14, 2017
Engineering is one of the most challenging and technical professions out there. People who pursue engineering as a career are tasked with looking critically and analytically at the world around them, and need to take multiple factors such as cost, safety, regulation, and practicality into consideration when planning and executing a project. As a result,...
Applying Emotional Intelligence to Hiring and Retention
May 29, 2017
EQ training, also known as emotional quotient training, is geared towards the advancement of a person’s ability to perceive, control, and evaluate their emotions. As a staff recruiter, having high emotional intelligence can help you hire and keep staff members who will best work within your office culture. Getting the right people together is powerful:...
How EQ Training Benefits Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
May 23, 2017
In the business world, leaders and managers are just beginning to realize the importance of EQ training, or emotional quotient training, as a vital part of their small or medium-sized enterprises (SME). A key area of running a successful SME is the awareness of how emotions directly affect both customer and employee satisfaction. It has...
The Short & Long-Term Benefits of EQ Training
May 16, 2017
As a leader in your organization, you’ve experienced the results of managing professionals who are not in touch with their emotions in the workplace. Traditionally, workplace training is focused on strengthening practical or technical skills. But what happens when you incorporate EQ training, or emotional quotient training, into your professional development sector? EQ training works...
How a ‘Coach Approach” to Leadership Helps Employees Succeed
April 19, 2017
The “coach approach” between team leaders and employees is more necessary now than ever before. The traditional commanding or controlling posts previously taken on in the past by leaders are no longer effective in the modern workplace. Rather, ongoing support, training, and freedom of creativity are essential to retaining employees, and being a competitive business....