
We Are Resilient

March 24, 2020

As I observe our global community come together during the COVID-19 outbreak, I am taking the opportunity to learn about resilience from those who are leading us through this crisis.  

Our senior political and health care professionals are setting strategy, deploying it and re-shaping it as reality shifts and new information becomes available.  

I’m thinking of our quiet leaders, those on the front-line who are stepping forward to care for our collective well-being. Quite frankly, if any of these people tell me to do something right now – I’m doing it. And, as my mother would fondly share – I’ve seldom done anything I’ve been told to do in my life. 

So, what makes us resilient? It’s really about our human capacity to deal with adversity, setbacks and trauma, and to recover to live life to the fullest. 

Steven Stein, creator of the Hardiness Resilience Gauge, shares that resiliency is dependent on the three components that make up hardiness: our ability to deal with challenges, our control of emotions, and our commitment to betterment.

The Business Insider also shares 11 subtle signs to show you are resilient even if you don’t feel like it.I thought that the title was timely! Here are my three favorites:

Know you can’t control everything… and that’s ok 

While I know I can’t control all aspects of a situation, I inherently believe I have the skills and resources to influence what I can control. I focus my attention to break big tasks into manageable pieces. Or, I think back to a time when I was in control of the situation. What tools from former experiences can I use in the current situation?

Trust yourself and follow your intuition

The balance between objective data and strong emotions can make decisions challenging. While it is important to be objective, you cannot and should not ignore your emotions. I choose to be open and curious to try new things and interpret new situations. I draw on information to support my decisions and trust my values to guide me. Sometimes I persevere, sometimes I pivot. The power is knowing that the choice is mine.

Hold yourself accountable

Whether it’s a personal or professional matter, I look for alignment with my values. And, if it’s there, it’s easy for me to commit. Being highly self-actualized, I’m prepared to do the work it takes to reach my potential and improve my skills and competencies; to look for new ways to grow professionally or personally. 

Maybe it’s time to pursue a new passion or re-visit one that has disappeared as life has become too busy – either way, I will learn and grow.

Today, we are living in unprecedented times, and it’s a bit daunting. Resilience won’t make your problems go away — but resilience can give you the ability to work them, find enjoyment in life, and to better handle stress. If you aren’t as resilient as you’d like to be, you can develop skills to become more resilient.  

It’s when we are truly challenged that we learn much about ourselves and others. I believe we will discover that we are far more resilient than we imagined.

Are you ready to strengthen your resilience? Join us and the Bioscience Association of Manitoba for our 2-hour online training “Strengthen Your Resilience” April 8 10-12 CDT.