
Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence

October 04, 2016

COACHING iNSIGHTS™  is founded on the science of emotional intelligence.  And, while technical and professional competence is essential in the workplace, emotional intelligence is a better predictor of success.  Additionally, emotional intelligence has been shown to be higher for successful leaders.  Our environments demand that we manage complex and rapid change, and make decisions in a climate of uncertainty. 

Being able to manage emotions (e.g. stress tolerance, impulse control, and self expression) and to recognize the emotions of others (e.g. using empathy and interpersonal relationships) is critical when leading and coaching others, and advancing personally and professionally.

What distinguishes great leaders from good ones says Daniel Goleman in a compelling YouTube video, is emotional intelligence.  It’s about how well we handle ourselves, and our relationships.  Knowing what we are feeling and understanding why we are feeling it.  It leads to good intuition, good decision making, and is a moral compass. 

Understanding how we handle our distressing emotions in an effective way so that they don’t cripple us – learning how to use our emotions effectively – every emotion has a purpose.

Emotionally intelligent people communicate effectively, form strong relationships and create powerful coping strategies; emotionally unintelligent people don’t—no matter how high their IQs. Emotional Intelligence can be measured strengthened and developed.
