The Short & Long-Term Benefits of EQ Training
May 16, 2017

As a leader in your organization, you’ve experienced the results of managing professionals who are not in touch with their emotions in the workplace. Traditionally, workplace training is focused on strengthening practical or technical skills.
But what happens when you incorporate EQ training, or emotional quotient training, into your professional development sector?
EQ training works to help participants explore and measure their emotional intelligence. These exercises in mindfulness help individuals to actively engage with their emotions, handle everyday stress and become more self-aware. Teams who are emotionally intelligent are more effective and can thrive with the following benefits that EQ training provides.
The Short-Term Benefits of EQ Training
Increased Confidence: Being in touch with emotional intelligence enables individuals to better understand their own needs. When employees can begin to identify the unique communicative and stress-easing techniques that help them work best, they can start any project with the confidence necessary to drive them to do the best they can.
Incredible Customer Service: With increased empathy in employees, organizations can enjoy greater customer service and satisfaction. EQ training provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to cultivate a higher empathy for others.
Results can be seen in companies that focus on the importance of empathy within their employees. One year after they opened, a car dealership who focused on hiring individuals with high empathy for others was rated in the top 10% of over 200 auto companies in both sales and satisfaction.
Greater Employee Productivity: According to a study on over 40 Fortune 500 companies, employees with a higher EI (emotional intelligence) were over twenty times more productive than those with a lower EI score.
Which Long-Term Benefits Does EQ Training Provide?
Increased Sales: The same Fortune 500 study as above revealed that sales personnel with higher emotional intelligence scores performed greater than individuals with lower scores by 50%.
Lower Staff Turnover: Through incorporating EI assessments and training into the workplace, one Fortune 500 company was able to increase staff retention by 67%. Also, this organization claimed to have saved $30 million in recruitment and training costs.
Greater Staff Satisfaction: When EQ training is brought into an organization, managers have the opportunity to better align projects with those whose EI match the tasks at hand. These tailored jobs provide employees the ability to enjoy a well-rounded workplace experience and increased satisfaction in their position.
Better Communication: Effective EQ training focuses on communication skills. Passionate, engaged communication between managers and staff, or coworkers, develops the right space for better problem-solving. One Towers Watsons study discovered that companies who communicate well outperform those who do not. An organization with exceptional communication levels delivered 47% more return to shareholders than the least communicative firms in the study.
Through EQ training within organizations, employees can get a handle on various learned emotional skills, like communication, empathy, self-awareness, and understanding. At Coaching iNSIGHTS, we provide EI training for teams.
These training sessions work to build a trusting, healthy, and fulfilling workplace for all. Contact us for more information about our engaging EQ programs and services today.