
Executive Coaching

We help leaders overcome limiting beliefs and behaviours to achieve greater success for themselves, and for those they lead. We coach on the foundation of emotional intelligence and focus on developing the emotional attributes that enhance four key dimensions of leadership: being authentic, coaching and inciting action in others, providing insight to communicate purpose and vision, and having the ability to innovate.


Your industry is specialized, complex, and your time is valuable. Because our coaches come with relevant, relatable experience from a variety of sectors you can get straight to the heart of the matter and produce results faster. To meet our team and choose your coach click here.


With a completely tailored coach approach, each client guides their program to generate solutions that meet their specific needs. They get results because the program is completely theirs.


Our coaches can accommodate your calendar, your location, and your technology preferences to provide you the flexibility you need with your busy life.


Because our coaches are accredited and bound by the code of ethics of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) they are held to the highest standard in our industry. You can be assured of confidentiality and know you are free to be open, creative and vulnerable to create outcomes that positively influence results.

Our Approach To Billing

Our coaching packages range from 3 months to 1 year in duration on a retainer basis. This way, you get the support you need. On average, our clients meet with their coach every two weeks.

Next Steps

For more information contact Janice at: