Certification Programs
Hardiness Resilience Gauge
Build more hardy, resilient individuals and teams. Become certified in the Hardiness Resilience Gauge (HRG).
Build hardy, more resilient leaders and teams.
Become certified to deliver HRG assessments. The Hardiness Resilience Gauge is grounded in over 30 years of research and development.

In this report, you will learn about your own hardiness and how key qualities that you possess can enhance or undermine your stress resilience and adaptability across a range of circumstances. Throughout the report, you will be given developmental strategies aimed at improving and maintaining these key qualities, ultimately providing you with a deeper understanding of how you can contribute to your overall resiliency.
The HRG focuses on the three C’s – Control, Commitment, and Challenge. The three C’s of Hardiness represent the key qualities that people high in hardiness possess. They believe they have control over the events they experience. They commit to seeing the world as meaningful and interesting, and they view challenges and change as growth opportunities.

The HRG is a scientifically rigorous tool that demonstrates exceptional reliability and validity.
The HRG individual report contains:
- An introduction to hardiness and the HRG model
- An overview and interpretation of a user’s total hardiness score
- A detailed personalized interpretation for each of the 3 subscales and strategies for developing each component of hardiness
- Information on the balance between a user’s subscale scores and interpretations of the potential impact of imbalances
- An Action Plan Page
- A leadership and hardiness page focused on strategies leaders can use to promote hardiness in their team members
Program Structure:
- Total completion time: 3 hours
- Register for self-paced (available anytime).
- Receive an invite from your trainer to complete your own HRG assessment. Receive an email with username and password to access the MHS Learning Management system.
- Complete eLearning modules in the MHS Learning Management System.
- Book your 1:1 call with your trainer.
- Return to the MHS Learning Management system to complete the online exam (70% to pass).
Certification Includes:
- Free account with MHS (the licensor) to administer HRG assessments, including facilitator guide and resource materials.
- Receive your own HRG report.
- Call with your trainer either 1:1 or group session.
- Amazon gift card to purchase Hardiness book by Steven Stein.
- Receive our online monthly newsletter with tips and current information on emotional intelligence and resiliency.
- Continuing education credits with the International Coaching Federation [1 core, .75 resource]