Certification Programs

EQ-i2.0 & EQ360 Refresher Program

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We offer EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360 refresher training six times per year. Topics include all aspects of a successful client debrief as well as the various EQ-i report versions (Leadership, Group, EQ 360, Higher Education) and information from certification training modules.


EQ-i2.0 Certification or EQ-i2.0 & EQ360 Certification. Not certified? View our Certification program and dates.  

Program and Schedule:

Each session is led by Janice Gair or Hayley Hesseln, co-founders of eiADVANTAGE and EQ-i2.0 & EQ360 Master Trainers with Multi-Health Systems (MHS). From time to time, a guest speaker may be invited to lead the session.   All sessions run one hour, 3-4pm Eastern.

  • October 16 2024 Leadership Report
  • November 20, 2024 Subscale Balancing and Interpretation
  • January 15, 2025 EQ360 Report
  • February 19, 2025 Workplace Report
  • April 16, 2025 Subscale Balancing and Interpretation
  • May 21, 2025 Group Report

Membership cost:

All EQ-i2.0 & EQ360 practitioners certified by eiADVANTAGE receive this program free of charge. You must register by emailing eqrefresh@eiadvantage.ca and indicate you wish to attend the sessions. A calendar invite with zoom link will then be sent to you for all sessions. Once you are registered, attendance is optional – we understand things come up!

Practitioners not certified by eiADVANTAGE are welcome to join for a 1 year membership of $250 to attend six sessions during the 1 year period. Memberships can be renewed on an annual basis. Given the reasonable cost of the delivery of the program, no refunds can be issued and sessions can not be banked.

Questions? Please contact us.

Available Courses

Course Date Price GST Select Quantity
EQ-i2.0 Refresher Program July 16, 2024 - July 15, 2025 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM $250 $12.5

*All times indicated are in Eastern Time.